The standard kettle bell is based on technology more than 300 years old which was never designed as a fitness device…until now. Walk away from the old and into the new.

The first ever- mobile strength training, fitness device.
We are enabling a full digital and quantified experience compatible with smartphones and watches. A smart Tommy Bell provides the user and coaches with “real-time” actionable performance metrics while conducting individual and instructor-led workouts.
Some features will include: Auto-detection of the TommyBell weight, exercises performed, peaks (acceleration/deceleration), your session intensity & duration, the asymmetry (L/R weight, speed & number of reps), the total amount of pounds lifted, the torque and muscles used.
…Subscribe below to stay informed about the future of fitness, and to walk away from the old- into the new.
Our main Platform is thru Fitness and Nutrition.
This Space is very crowded with misleading and false information dominated by the Drug Companies, Food Companies, and Quick Fix methods that promise to heal, improve health, lose weight, and improve your quality of life. The only proven and documented way to do this that are long Term are thru Regular Fitness and Nutrition.

The TommyBell Device and the Lean & Clean Pea Protein Powder was created by Tommy Tank (Tommy Tank Fitness). The TommyBell Device is the first and only designed & patented, three piece AI Smart Kettle Bell Fitness Device that replaces the standard Kettle Bell- that also works with fitness devices. Our Lean & Clean Pea Protein Powder is a vitamin/mineral nutritional dietary supplement meal. 100% plant based, vegan, non GMO, gluten free, zero sugar, and dairy free.
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Written by us, and media experts who live, breathe and strive to be healthy and to have a better quality of life.